Alpha FAQs

We have tried our best to answer some of the frequently asked questions for Alpha, but if your question isn’t answered here, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Q. What is Alpha?

A. Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith.

No pressure. No charge.

Alpha is a place where no question is too simple or too hostile.

Q. What are the session topics?

A. We look at a variety of different topics over the course.

Who is Jesus?
Why did Jesus Die?
How can we have Faith?
Why and how do I Pray?
Why and how should I Read the Bible?
How does God Guide us?
How can I Resist Evil?
Why and how should I tell Others?
What about the Church and does God Heal Today?

Q. How long does it last?

A. Typically Alpha has around seven to ten sessions and includes food, a short talk and a discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts.

The next Alpha course will be running in the morning, beginning after Easter 2015. You don’t have to come to the whole course – just pop along for the first one and see what you think.

Q. Can I come if I am not a Christian?

A. Alpha really is for anyone who’s curious. The talks are designed to encourage debate and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, honest and informal environment.

Q. How much does it cost?

A. The course is absolutely free. If you’d like to, you can make a small voluntary contribution towards dinner on the evening.

Okay, I’m interested…What next?

To pre-register, contact us here.

Alternatively you can just come along on the day!

I look forward to meeting you.

Revd Sally Baily